Colour palette
This page is still being developed
Primary colour
A classic and accessible colour palette supports the identity. Our primary colour is Pantone 660c. Each colour can use a 20% tint.
Use the correct Pantone® colour or their CMYK, RGB or web hex equivalents.
CMYK, RGB and web hex breakdowns are taken from Adobe Photoshop (Pantone® solid coated).
Where possible use a primary colour with a secondary colour.
All colours have been web tested to meet accessibility standards.
Primary colour yellow
CYMK: C0 M30 Y94 K0
Pantone: 7408
RGB: R251 G186 B7
Hex: #fbba07
Primary color blue
CYMK: C100 M72 Y0 K6
Pantone: 7687
RGB: R0 G73 B150
Hex: #004996
Yellow colour tones
Hex: #fbba07
Hex: #fcc739
Hex: #fdd66d
Hex: #fee39c
Hex: #fef1ce
Blue colour tones
Hex: #004996
Hex: #0f4ca8
Hex: #6994c1
Hex: #99b6d4
Hex: #cbdbea